Soundworks Productions, 2023 & 2024
Everest Theatre Seymour Centre & Chapel Off Chapel
Director - Mark Taylor
Musical Director - Mark Bradley
Choreographer - Freya List
Lighting Design - Sidney Younger
Sound Design - David Barrell

2023 Greenroom Award Nomination for Design

"Harry Gill’s abstract set, with timber floor and sturdy beams, evoked a courtroom as rough-hewn as the justice it dispensed, a factory and gallows." Joyce Morgan, Sydney Morning Herald
"Harry Gill’s set is minimalistic, but replete with detail [hinting] at the depth of nationalistic sentiment...Costumes clearly indicate the social hierarchy of the characters and are historically faithful... Aided by Sidney Younger's lighting, the effect is like watching old footage play out on screen" 
"This show is stylish and substantial, spectacular and nuanced, beautiful to look at and thought-provoking.​​​​​​​" Giddy Pillai, Theatre Travels
"Harry Gill has created a space that echoes the Confederate allegiance of Atlanta Georgia through Blue and Red stripes and white stars to echo the Confederate flag that has also become a symbol of America’s far right." Jade Kops, Broadway World
"Harry Gill’s set, props and stage was well designed and executed" Channel Mao, Theatre Thoughts
"Design by Harry Gill... conveys a sense of authenticity, and provides impressive spatial adaptability that helps with engagement of the narrative." Suzy Wrong, Suzy Goes See

photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
photo by Matthew Chen
design render by Harry Gill
design render by Harry Gill
design renders by Harry Gill
design renders by Harry Gill
design renders by Harry Gill
design renders by Harry Gill
design renders by Harry Gill
design renders by Harry Gill
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